Wearable Transportation

Finding an apartment in a major city that is close to a public transportation can be a difficult task. A lot of people spend 15 minutes or more just getting to their desired bus stop or train station. Then once they arrive at their final stop they have to walk to their intended destination. This additional time spent on transportation could be cut in half with electric wearables for transportation! WT has found a few smart solutions for you!

Californian company Inboard developed an electrical skateboard M1. The motors are hidden inside the wheels and the company claims its unique technology enhances an uninhibited flow. The electronics seem invisible because they are hidden in a hollow deck, which gives it a traditional skateboard look. The depleted battery can be recharged inside the board or on its own with a separate charging cable. You can adjust the speed with regenerative breaking, which allows you to have control while “driving”.

RocketSkates are a product developed by a company Acton. These skates don´t need any remote control. You can monitor your skates and their performance, route tracking, skate diagnosis, battery status, games and many other features. You control your skates by tilting forward to accelerate and tilting back on your heel to slow down. A cool thing about it is that you don´t have to take them off if you want to walk up or down stairs.

WalkCar is a portable transporter small enough to be carried in a backpack. WalkCar gets its name because it is able to get up to 10 kilometers per hour. You roll in the direction you choose by simply shifting your weight. WalkCar needs 3 hours to reach a full charge. It is predicted to cost $800 when it reaches market.

We think these wearables can really save your time. Now we can sleep a few minutes longer before going to work :).

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