Smart Tech for Fragile Stages in Life

While being pregnant or at the beginning of a new life smart technology can be a big relief for overcoming insecurities in these fragile phases in life. There are wearables designed to serve the needs of this particular group.

Kegel training is perhaps not a glamourous topic but an important one. Elvie’s award-winning kegel trainer is a small pebble-shaped pod that connects to an app via Bluetooth. Using groundbreaking biofeedback the device guides women through fun, five minute workouts to build core strength, better control and even heightened sexual pleasure. As you squeeze your pelvic floor muscles a gem on the app lifts. The stronger your squeeze, the higher the gem lifts. A system of force and motion sensors can also detect the form of contraction and alert the user if she’s exercising incorrectly.

Another technology for pelvic floor exercising and no more embarrassing leaks comes with Carin – but the beautifully designed smart underwear is different to other kegel trainers: There is nothing to insert, it is non-invasive and painless. The underwear manages leaks with the absorbing power of a large tampon and a sensor snapped to the underwear measures the progress by showing urine loss data. Coaching videos help you to exercise your pelvic floor muscles 10 minutes per day, you will experience increased strength and control even after a few weeks.

There are many ways for women to track their cycle and find out the perfect time to conceive. Raiing Medical offers the modern wearable way with iFertracker. The smart fertility tracker measures your basal body temperature overnight and predicts your ovulation very accurately. Raiing also takes care of children´s body temperature, if they have a fever, it is very important to measure their temperature regularly and observe any changes immediately. The 6.5mm thin iThermonitor can be connected to an app that alarms parents in case of high temperature through continuous monitoring.

Cosinuss addresses the fever issue in a different approach with degree°, a medically approved in-ear thermometer that monitors the body temperature of your child continuously – non-invasive and painless. If the temperature is too high or rising too fast, you will be alarmed anytime and anywhere. The device is combining accuracy and convenience at the same time and is giving you the confidence you need in times of fever, to make decisions based on reliable data.

You want to learn more about these companies and their solutions? Meet them in person at this year´s WT | Wearable Technologies Show 2017 MEDICA!

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Ramona Socher
Ramona Socher is Online Editor at WT | Wearable Technologies